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Physical Science Syllabus

Mr. Penoyar

Room 226 – (907) 761-1556

Google Classroom Code: zxkiozq


Course Description

Physical Science is the study of matter and energy and how they influence your everyday lives. Throughout the year we will be learning many of the underlying concepts of both Chemistry and Physics. The course provides many opportunities to be up and “doing” science through inquiry based labs and projects.


REQUIRED Student Supply List

  • 3 ring binder (1/2” or 1”) with college ruled paper

  • 5 clear dividers for 3 ring binder

  • Sharpened pencils OR mechanical pencil with extra lead

  • Set of colored pencils, with colored pencil sharpener



  • Colored pencils

  • Calculator

  • Pencil sharpener for colored pencils (they DESTROY the regular one in class).

  • Water Bottle – only sealed containers of WATER are allowed in class!

  • Glue sticks or small bottle of glue

  • Thin black sharpie/regular black sharpie


Classroom Expectations

  • Be Responsible

  • Be Positive

  • Be Respectful

  • Be Considerate

  • Be in charge of your own success!


  1. Follow all instructions both verbal and written.

  2. Respect yourself and others & take responsibility for your actions.

  3. BE ON TIME and PREPARED to begin class upon the bell ringing.  Being on time means be in your seat, with your binder, pen or pencil, paper and calculator before the starting bell.

  4. Water in a screw top bottle ONLY! NO EATING OR CHEWING GUM!!

  5. DO NOT SIT ON TABLES OR COUNTERS unless instructed to do so.


  7. Electronic devices are to be OFF and PUT AWAY or they will be confiscated and taken to the office



  • Tests/Quizzes (30%) à All Tests and Quizzes will be conducted through apex.

  • Labs/Assignments (30%) à Labs are one of the most important components of this course. Assignments will consist of class-work, practice work, readings, questions, etc.

  • Bell-work (10%)à Objectives, Science starters & Exit questions will be on the board at the beginning of every class. Record the objective and then the science starter question. Answer the question to the best of your ability and revise as necessary after we go over the answer. Science starters will be collected and graded on Fridays.

  • Homework (30%) à Most homework will be work on Apex


Make-up Work/Absences

The responsibility of determining what was missed falls on the student.  Any handouts distributed during your absence can be found on apex or google classroom. Work missed due to absences will not be considered late until the number of days missed is past. Some labs may not be available for make up due to equipment and/or chemical limitations. It is the responsibility of the student to make sure that they make arrangements for make-up tests and quizzes following an absence. Late work will be accepted for full credit up to the date of that chapters unit test. After a unit test is complete, late work from that chapter will be accepted for 50%.


Safety in the Science Classroom

Safety in the science laboratory is an important part of science. If you are unsafe in the laboratory putting yourself and others in danger, you will not be allowed to continue the lab. Absolutely NO HORSEPLAY will be allowed in the laboratory. Students who jeopardize the safety of themselves and others will be removed from the lab and sent to the SRC. Continued behavior issues during lab time will result in being unable to participate in subsequent labs and completing an alternate assignment in its place.




As the Parent of __________________ I have read and understand Mr. Penoyar’s 8th grade physical science syllabus.


Student Signature _________________________________________


Parent Signature ________________________________________

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